Free Halloween Coloring Book Printable Coloring Boo(k) 2017

Many people have food allergies or dietary restrictions. Placing a teal pumpkin outside signals you have non-food items to hand out on Halloween. The Food Allergy Research & Education’s (FARE) Teal Pumpkin Project inspired me to compile this coloring book to be printed and handed out for free. Great for trick-or-treaters or for a favor at a Halloween party!

For further information about Teal Pumpkin Project:

Coloring Boo 2017 Download:

Full-Size PDF
(8 pages, double-sided)

Half-Size PDF
(2 pages, double-sided)

Quarter-Size PDF
(4 pages, double-sided)

Thank you so much to my artist pals! Support them by buying their art. All artists retain complete copyright over their work.

Coloring Boo 2017 Contributing Artists:
Anna Gaukel
Britton Walters (nerfect)
Claudia Aguilar (partly claudia crafts)
Donovan Beeson (Letters Writers Alliance)
Eling Chang (Migration Goods)
Evan Koehne
Kelly Tucker (on Society6)
Laurie Freivogel (kiku handmade)
Leigh Kelsey (Rhymes with Twee)
Marissa Falco (thimblewinder)
Mike Sherry
Mikey Anderson (Yarnies! by Mikey)
Missy Kulik (sugar cookie)
Susie Ghahremani (boygirlparty)
Tony Recktenwald
Zack Hansen

Also available:
Coloring Boo(k) 2015
Coloring Boo(k) 2016

Hope you enjoy!

(Rhymes with Twee)

Free Halloween Coloring Book Download Coloring Boo 2016

coloring-boo-2016Rhymes with Twee & Friends present: Coloring Boo (2016). For the second year in a row, I compiled a Halloween Coloring Book. The Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) started the Teal Pumpkin Project in 2014. Placing a teal pumpkin outside signals you have non-food treats on hand, great for those with food allergies or dietary restrictions.

For further information about Teal Pumpkin Project:

Feel free to print and hand out Coloring Boo to trick-or-treaters or host a coloring party! All artists retain overall copyright of their work.

Coloring Boo 2016 Download:

Full Size PDF, 3.11 MB
(8 pages, double-sided)

Half Size PDF, 5.53 MB
(2 pages, double-sided)

Quarter Size PDF, 5.53 MB
(4 pages, double-sided)

Coloring Boo 2016 Contributing Artists:

Abbey Hambright (abbeychristine)
Anne Acorn (acorn oils)
Annie Chu
Betsy Siber
Claudia Aguilar (partly claudia crafts)
Eling Chang (Migration Goods)
Jessie T.
Julie Madison (long dog dandy) [ Please note: adult content ]
Leigh Kelsey (Rhymes with Twee)
Maria Filar
Meghan Ansbach
Mike Sherry
Mikey Anderson (Yarnies! by Mikey)
Mr. Walters
Zack Hansen

I could not have done this without my artist pals. Thank you!

This coloring book is free, but artists retain overall copyright of their work. If you enjoy their work, please support them!


Free Halloween Coloring Book Download – Coloring Boo 2015

Coloring Boo Download

Rhymes with Twee & Friends present: Coloring Boo 2015. I wrangled fellow artist friends across the country for this project. In 2014, Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) started the Teal Pumpkin Project. A teal pumpkin outside on Halloween signals trick-or-treaters that you have non-food treats for those with food allergies or dietary restrictions. This inspired me to curate and publish a free Halloween coloring book that could be printed and given out to such kids. Enjoy and spread the word!

Coloring Boo 2015 Download:

Half Size PDF, 4.77 MB
(6 pages, double-sided)

Quarter Size PDF, 4.76 MB
(3 pages, double-sided)

Coloring Boo 2015 Contributing Artists:

Abbey Hambright (abbeychristine)
Anna Gaukel
Anne Acorn (acorn oils)
Betsy Siber
Eliza Bangert
JSalvador (Super Emo Friends)
Kevin Alvir
Laura Froehlich
Leigh Kelsey (Rhymes with Twee)
Marjie Woolard
Max Quezada
Meghan Ansbach
Melissa Godin
Mike Sherry
Mikey Anderson (Yarnies! by Mikey)
Missy Kulik (Sugar Cookie)
Mr. Walters
Nicole Ray (Sloe Gin Fizz)
Sarah Coyne (egg-a-gogo)
Susie Ghahremani (boygirlparty)
Teresa Levy (Sewing Stars)
Voz Perkins (fishcakes)
Zack Hansen

I could not have done this without my artist pals.

2015 May: May this month be forgotten

It’s a dramatic subject, but in between the short bursts of happiness, this one was a bummer for the books.

La De Blog - 2015-05-11 Farewell Art3mis
Rest in peace, Art3mis.

What we believe was Art3mis’ kidney was so enlarged that the ultrasound showed very little and the options were to keep her healthy and happy as long as possible or have exploratory surgery to see what steps to take next. Now, as hedgie parents, Z and I go the extra mile for our hedgebabes, but the thought of having to open her up just to see if there was the chance to save her seemed like unfair treatment to our babe, so we picked the wait and see option. So, we powered through with 6 meds ( 4 of those twice daily). A week after the ultrasound, she started having bloody stools and then stopped eating on her own and we had to syringe feed her canned cat food and she held on through my birthday for me, but that night when I looked into her eyes, I knew it was time. Z and I knew she was ready to go. We took her in to our beloved Chicago Exotics Monday morning, and sent Artie over the rainbow bridge. We will miss that little grumpus and she joins her son Alasdair who we heard recently passed due to an upper respiratory infection.

Z and I decided we need a short break from hedgies due to their too short lives. In the 8 years we have lived together, we’ve had four hedgies pass. We believe we’ll come back to them as foster parents next time around and educate new owners about them before we jump back into being adoptive parents again. For now, we lent our cage to our pals Christina and Shaun who run the Chicago branch of the Hedgehog Welfare Society. Having that empty space where the cage was is worse than when the cage was empty, but it’s what we need to do right now. Luckily, Christina and Shaun have a prickle of hedgehogs to cover us in whenever we need a fix, which will likely be often. <3 La De Blog - 2015-05-24 Darren Hanlon @ Uncharted Books
Burst of happiness: Darren Hanlon @ Uncharted Books

May: Early bday brunch @ Takito Kitchen. Show of Hands Vendor preview @ Neighborly and Chicago Art Girls with Mikey. Township with Z. Lunch with Alison @ Native Foods. Brought towels to Reuse First to heat set and caught up with Jeremiah and Michelle. Show of Hands @ Architectural Artifacts. Hayden @ Schubas. More bday celebratin’ @ Dragonlady vegan buffet. Post bday dinner with Z @ Lula. Boiler Room with Heidi. My parents in town: Janik’s, Barrelhouse Flat, saw Side Man @ Greenhouse Theater, Kiku Open Studio, Little Goat. Saw screening of Love & Mercy put on by The Dissolve with John Cusack & Brian Wilson doing a Q&A. Garden workday @ Community Garden. Emo night @ Burlington with Layne, Jess and her buddy Alithea. Dropped off hedgehog cage for Christina & Shaun to borrow. Bric-a-Brac Records sale. Darren Hanlon/Steven Gilpin @ Uncharted Books. Snuggle appointment with Carlos! Dinner @ Handlebar with Stephanie. Lunch with Stephanie @ Upton’s. UHF @ Music Box with Q&A by Weird Al & Jay Levey. Co-worker Whitney send-off @ Bar Takito – this is the other coordinator at my work and I am going to miss her dearly, but she is moving to Austin. 5 Year anniversary party @ Squasht with Stacy. Worked on some songs with Mike Sherry. Picked up Artie’s ashes. LCBday brunch @ Honey Butter Fried Chicken. Hung out with Mikey/dinner @ Urban Vegan.

La De Blog - 2015-05-15 The Kelseys @ Kelseys
The Kelseys in front of a bar named Kelsey’s

Films watched May 2015:

Dumb and Dumber To
Krush Groove
The Guest
Fay Grim
The Idolmaker
The Big Lebowski
Mad Max
Mad Max 2: Road Warrior
Going Clear *
Ex Machina
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
Love and Mercy
Furious 7
Pitch Perfect 2
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Love is Strange
The Rocketeer

* documentary

The Guest. Ex Machina. Love and Mercy. Pride. UHF. These were my favorites of the month – BRILLIANT FILMS every one! Going Clear was great, but too creepy to be one of my favorites! I still don’t like The Big Lebowski all these years after I thought maybe I just didn’t get the humor when I was younger – nope!

2015 April: April shows her

La De Blog - 2015-04-25 Heather, Leigh, Kristen & Kelly @ Handlebar
Lovely lunch with lovely ladies: Heather, me, Kristen, & Kelly

La De Blog - 2015-04-29 Pasta Making @ Cooking Fools
Me with pappardelle made at Cooking Fools (yes, I love this sweater)

2015 April: Letter writing party @ Paper Doll. Z and my 9 year boo-versary dinner at Bite. Had hoped to celebrate Chuy winning the run-off election at Map Room, but we know how that went. Work tradeshow (NCIA) in Indianapolis. Takito with Stacy. Bean Baby drop off at Neighborly. Z’s parents came to town: breakfast @ Lula, dinner @ Mana, Show of Hands open house @ Sacred Art, Chicago Food Swap with Z’s mom, dinner @ Julius Meinl, Sound of Silent @ Music Box. Rachel’s bday @ Boiler Room. Vegan night @ Boiler Room with Molly, Allison C. and then the Owl with them, Layne, and met Mikey, J, and their friend whose name i cannot remember. Lunch with Eliza @ El Metro. UVNA meeting. HOA meeting. Lunch with Kristen, Heather, and Kelly @ Handlebar. Attended C2E2 thanks to Mikey’s bud, J Salvador (Super Emo Friends). Got to meet Brad Neely there and *maybe* embarrassed myself a bit. Real fun night hanging with Mikey, J, Melissa, + Fred @ Revolution Brewery, East Room, and Cole’s. Kirstie bday brunch @ Old Oak Tap. Attended the spring Vegan Vortex. Show of Hands Vendor Meet & Greet @ 345 North with Mikey. Dinner with Frank, Cheryl, Briana, Jason, Ashley, & Thom. Pasta making class @ Cooking Fools. Dinner @ Parson’s with Annie.

At her check-up, Dr. Horton had noticed Artemis’ kidney was enlarged. We had a few rechecks and we’re monitoring it.

La De Blog - 2015-04-19 Chicago Food Swap - what I made
What I made for Chicago Food Swap – April 2015

For the Chicago Food Swap this month, I made hickory chick-a-peas, asparagus soup, kale pesto, and fluff stuff – all vegan. I jumped onto the marshmallow fluff made with chickpea brine bandwagon. The most popular things I made were, surprisingly, the asparagus soup + the kale pesto, the most everyday kind of things. Again, you never know what’s going to be the fan fave. My personal fave was the hickory chick-a-peas I made – those babies were OUT OF SIGHT.

La De Blog - 2015-04-19 Chicago Food Swap - my haul
My Chicago Food Swap haul – April 2015

Films watched April 2015:

Begin Again
Big Hero 6
Kumiko the Treasure Hunter
Computer Chess
A Sloth named Velcro *
Beat Street
The Fast and Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
Alien: Resurrection
John Wick
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Fast and Furious
Pitch Perfect
Fast Five
Fast and Furious 6

* documentary

A Sloth Named Velcro and Chappie were probably my faves this month, but Beat Street, Nightcrawler, and F&F: Tokyo Drift were up there.

2015 Weeks 10, 11, 12, 13+ : Chicago Food Swapsessed

La De Blog - 2015-03-15 Chicago Food Swap - vegan tamales
Tamales pre-steam in makeshift steamer

For the Chicago Food Swap this month, I made buffa-faux chicken dip, tamales, salsa verde, and rumchata (all vegan) for Chicago Food Swap @ The Chopping Block in the Merchandise Mart. New food swapper tip for anyone internetting first time food swap what to do or what to make: Do not make tamales by yourself for a swap, unless you make them a few days before hand and then freeze them. There are times I learn a new skill and I want to practice and/or show off. I had learned how to make vegan tamales at Kimmi’s the week before and decided for sure that I wanted to make them for the food swap a week later. Originally, I purchased salsa verde to pour over the soy curls (soy chicken) I had soaked, trying to replicate Quesadilla la reina del sur’s delicious salsa verde tamales, but I decided that was not authentic enough and that I had to make my own salsa verde as well (for the first time). Hello, run-on sentence! So, instead of making three items, I was making four items in two days. In times the pressure is on in my work life, I go into ultra-achiever mode and do things like this in my free time. You know. For fun!

La De Blog - 2015-03-15 Chicago Food Swap - what I made
What I brought to March swap: buffa-faux chicken dip, carne de soya tamales con salsa verde

It’s all worth it though – it actually IS fun. All of the savory items I brought were a big hit, but I was shocked that the rumchat-ahh wasn’t more popular. It was delicious! Ended up bringing leftovers to coworkers and friends. I don’t believe I’ve mentioned it, but part of the main reason I enjoy going to the food swap is to hone my skills. I like to change it up and I have not made the same thing twice yet. I also like to try to make everything I bring vegan because there is a stigma surrounding veganism. I am a fairly strict vegetarian, but I inch closer to veganism every day. I like showing others, especially in the often dairy/meat-centric food swap arena, that there are so many mouth-watering things that are (or can be made) vegan! It has been inspiring having others start making vegan goods to swap with Alison and myself because they know we make tasty stuff. ^_^

La De Blog - 2015-03-15 Chicago Food Swap - my haul
My March swap haul

I swapped for some fantastic things this time. There were not as many vegan treats as I had hoped, but plenty of vegetarian goodies. Lots of bready things & jams/chutneys to go with them this swap. I had lunches for over half a week from my haul and many freezable or pantry items, which are always appreciated. The swappers are such a great group of people and I am happy to be a part of it. I hope to take my MIL Gail to the May one since she and Wes will be in town. If so, I vow to make things ahead of time for that one!

2015 Week 10:
Chiditarod attending/adventuring & Furious Spoon with Shanleys & Brian. Vegan tamale making/cookie baking with Kimmi & friends.

2015 Week 11:
Quesadilla with Erin R. & Alison S./waffles at L&Z’s. Takito with work buds. Dinner with Gretchen @ Bullhead Cantina. Promo item tradeshow in Arlington Heights. Saw Eliza perform at Harold Washington Library! Breakfast with Z, LCB, & Amy @ Grandma J’s Kitchen. Dragonlady vegan buffet with Sue cooking again! Made buffa-faux chicken dip, soy chicken tamales, salsa verde, and rumchat-ahh (all vegan) for Chicago Food Swap @ The Chopping Block in the Merchandise Mart.

Chicago Food Swap @ Chopping Block. Filed taxes!

2015 Week 12:
Walked to Green Grocer because it was glorious outside! Dragonlady with Alison & Jen L. Baked cupcakes for a coworker with vanilla & blood orange frosting. Bob’s Burgers @ Chicago Theatre. Dropped off stuff I sold on West Town Community Swap & Sell. Updated Rhymes with Twee stock at Local Goods. Movie with my boo. Lunch @ Rice/movie with Jerroid. Jen L. bday @ Archie’s.

2015 Week 13:
Etsy orders picking back up again after the usual beginning of the year lull that happens for me. Lunch with Gretchen @ Breakfast House. Miss Spoken @ Gallery Cabaret. Made food for Kristen & Bill. Dinner @ Quesadilla with Z.

2015 Week 14 (beginning):
Dinner with Stacy @ Sushi Para II.

Films watched 10th – 13th+ week of the year:

Million Dollar Arm
Sudden Death
Speed Racer
The Imposters
Ganja and Hess
Movie 43
Jupiter Ascending
Gerhard Richter Painting *
The Never Ending Story

* documentary

I did not prepare myself to think much of Whiplash, but it was a truly GREAT film; one that made me audibly gasp and I have thought about it many times since, though I don’t want to watch it again. I played alto saxophone at school for 6 years, through my senior year of high school. I was dedicated and good, fluctuating back and forth between 1st and 2nd chair, playing in symphonic, marching, jazz, and even pit sometimes. 100% band nerd and proud of it, yet I never got to this level of obsession. I saw it around me, but very few people from our (very good) marching & symphonic bands chose to continue this life after high school. I greatly respect professional musicians and one of my dearest friends, Eliza, has chosen this life and I admire her greatly for it. My preference is a day job with regular hours and stability so I can work on Rhymes with Twee goods by night. Anyways, you should see this film, people of the internet, if you have not already done so.

Other particularly great films this month were: Alien & The Never Ending Story (duh), Non-Stop (spoiler alert: still waiting for one of these films where Liam Neeson actually *IS* the bad guy).

2015 Weeks 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9: February flew by

La De Blog - 2015-02-15 Chicago Food Swap - what I made
What I brought to February swap: saag tofu, granola

La De Blog - 2015-02-15 Chicago Food Swap - my haul
My February swap haul

2015 Week 5:
Miss Spoken: New Year’s @ Gallery Cabaret. Quesadilla with Eliza & Meghan. 1st Ward Aldermanic Debate @ Wells HS. Dinner with Shanleys @ Handlebar. Made jackfruit curry & vegan nutella for Vegan Food Swap: Blizzard edition!

2015 Week 6:
Drinks with co-workers @ Cobra Lounge. Jerry’s with Stacy. 2nd Ward Aldermanic Debate @ Wells HS. Flying Saucer with Shanleys + epic walk home. Shopped the valentine vegan vortex!

2015 Week 7:
Worked on a song with buddy Steven Gilpin. Finally dropped T-Mobile for Verizon and I have coverage in our condo! Boo v-day dinner @ Bite. Steven Gilpin @ Hideout. Dinner with Alison @ Ground Control. Emily W. djing @ Burlington. Rainer Maria @ Lincoln Hall! Made saag paneer & granola for Chicago Food Swap.

2015 Week 8:
Paczki day! Jennifer T. bday brunch. Kaitlyn & Adam going away party. Lula & Kingsman: The Secret Service with Jerroid! Amanda bday pizza party. Oscars @ Kimmi’s.

2015 Week 9:
Chicago Mayoral & Aldermanic Election! Lunch @ Upton’s with Alison. Parson’s with Ginny. Took Z out for bday dinner to Osteria Longhe. Said goodbye to Parks & Recreation. Tilda dental cleaning & extraction. Movies @ Music Box! The House Theatre production of The Hammer Trinity @ Chopin Theatre. Z bday pizza & coffee party.

Also this week, Rhymes with Twee was happy to support Illinois Leadership Seminars (ILS) by donating a set of Veggie Vampire Tea Towels to their 7th Annual Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Fundraiser at D.O.C. Wine Bar 2/28.

Films watched 5th – 9th week of the year:

Pain and Gain
August: Osage County
Kick-Ass 2
Edge of Tomorrow
A Pony Tale
What If
Le Week-end
The Book Thief
Demolition Man
Da Sweet Blood of Jesus
Small Apartments
The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Song of the Sea
What We Do in the Shadows

So many fantastic movies, but The Tale of Princess Kaguya and Song of the Sea were both phenomenal. Frank was something I had never seen before and I liked most of it. Ida was incredibly beautiful. Kingsman & WWDITS were belly laugh inducing.