2013 Week 41: We came, we saw, we Concord, NH

La De Blog - Leigh y llamas
Me & Llamas @ Dimond Hill Farm

La De Blog - Zack & Alex
Zack & Leigh @ Alex’s wedding!

Lots of stuffs that week. So much is happening right now and it’s hard to keep up with my regular blogging day of Sunday. Gah! So many wedding crafts. I can’t wait until it’s all over so I can post about all of them! Wax @ Parlor 836. Trial hair run @ Strange Beauty Show. Rip songs for Les. Dropped Katniss off at Hannigan Hedgehog Household (Christina & Shaun are THE BEST). Concord, NH –> Drinks @ Barley Pub. Drinks @ Tandy’s. Exploring Concord with Nick & Shannon. Alex & Megan’s amazingly beautiful wedding! Alex’s wedding was so lovely and it was great seeing my old friend and OFFICIANT for me & Z’s wedding get married to his one! Only two more weddings this year for me & Z to attend; ours and Nick & Erin’s! HUZZAH!

Films watched 41st week of the year:

Breaking Upwards
Lil Bub and Friendz *
Late Marriage ** [ Israel ]

* documentary
** foreign language

Breaking Upwards remains one of my favorite romantic dramadies of late. This was a re-watch for me, but it’s just so enjoyable and I love the music. Really great week of movies for me. It just makes me happy that Lil Bub is alive on film. Her adorableness is hard to handle. With so much going on, watching movies is at least a way I can somewhat de-stress.

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