2013 Week 40: Farewell, Saturday spin class. I knew ye well.

La De Blog - Zachary waiting

It’s funny because I am pretty sure Z would have called me a weirdo if I did this exact same pose while waiting for the Shanleys, but nope, he thought this was perfectly normal.

Found the perfect present for a parent gift for both of our parents. Started searching for the perfect readings. Evened out placecard holders on one lunch break with a band saw! Placed flower order. Dentist appointment. Dinner with Shanleys @ Handlebar. Bought cellophane bags to use as welcome bags and part of what we’ll put in them – we’ll give out at rehearsal dinner since nearly everyone is staying all over the city and not at our host hotels. Dinner @ Fat Willy’s Rib Shack – their veggie burger is unexpectedly outstanding! Made labels for cookie table. Made table numbers. Made menu. Bought frames for memorial table and finalized photos with Z. Started making banner for card box. Had a migraine that started Saturday afternoon and I only feel 100% 3 days later. I celebrated my actual 10-year anniversary in Chicago by ordering my standard artichoke/garlic pizza from Pizza Metro 2 and watching The Walking Dead, Season 3. Probably contributing to my stress. Derp. 🙂

When I went to spin on Saturday morning, the sign-in sheet had a name other than Julie on it. I didn’t panic, because occasionally a sub will fill in for an instructor. Then when the instructor Kayla said she’d be our Saturday instructor from now on, I held my breath trying to process this information. Julie turned me from someone who ABHORRED exercising to someone who LOVED getting exercise in the SPIN room. For 9 whole months, I saw her almost weekly and she was a huge inspiration to me becoming a more active person; a happier person. Hell, I could have given birth to a SPIN baby in that time. So, having a different Saturday instructor who had a VERY different style that I was not a fan of; pushing the resistance to the max, no heart rate monitoring, 9 minute climbs and NO SCHEDULED RECOVERY; felt like the rug was pulled from underneath me. My plan of dragging my bridal party to a Julie class the day of the wedding is kaput. To add insult to injury, the only class Julie is now teaching at WPAC is at 5:30 A.M. Yes, A – M. Gross. After the wedding comedown, I need to try out the Sunday class instructor. I’ve heard she is good, but Julie is my exercise spirit animal.

Films watched 40th week of the year:

Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters *
Scream 4
The World ** [ China ]
A Dog Year

* documentary
** foreign language

If you are an animal lover and film lover, you should bookmark that page: Does the dog die?. Sometimes I am not good at maintaining my Netflix queue and things wind up at the top that I am not ready for. We received How to Die in Oregon right after Jeff killed himself and it sat around for 3 months until I just mailed it back. I still haven’t watced it. Similarly, I received A Dog Year not too long after Shadow passed away. I looked up on that handy website and saw that a dog died in the film and I was still too fragile to watch it, so it sat on the dvd pile for a couple of weeks. It ended up being pretty great for a dog movie. Yep, I still teared up, but at least I was ready. Thanks, DTDD?

I wish I had seen Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters on the big screen. His photographic process is inspiring and the end result is simply stunning. I also love that he brings commerce to what seem like sleepy little towns. Reminded me a lot of Marwencol. Even though Gregory Crewdson and Mark Hogancamp’s photography styles are polar opposites, they seemed to have obsessive processes when it comes to getting the perfect shot. Kind of like me and not being happy with the guestbook I made for the wedding and waiting until it was perfect to me. I know that practically no one would notice, but *I* would notice. I’m only getting married once, so it’s going to be up to the high Rhymes with Twee standard, okay!?

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