2013 Week 16: Spin has taken the place of “eat shitty food and wallow”

The events of this week have left friends questioning if it is a sign of the Apocalypse. Yes, it definitely felt this way to me for a hot second, but bad things happen every day and sometimes huge bad things happen on the same day or on consecutive days. I was at work when I found out about the Boston Marathon and I couldn’t stop reading about it. It felt incredibly surreal. My favorite spin instructor Julie was running the marathon. We had just emailed a few days before with me sending well wishes. I sent her an email asking her to email that she was OK as soon as she could. I also posted on the FB wall of WPAC and they wrote me back quickly saying that she was alright and on a flight back to Chicago. I felt such relief.

I went to spin 3 times in four days; Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. I got a crick in my neck, but it was all worth it. I know there are a lot of people who use exercise as stress relief, but that was never me until I found spin. I told Megan this week: Spin has taken the place of “eat shitty food and wallow” when I am feeling stressed or down. It has also given me a standing social appointment where I am guaranteed to see some of my favorite ladies once a week, at the very least. Spin is me happier and my life better. I was able to see Julie in person today because she got me into WAC to go to her 9am spin there and I met her family. That was such a happy to end to such a chaotic week.

Amazingly, I did stuff other than spin this week. I ate out way more than has been the norm lately. It is gross, but don’t judge. I still stayed pretty close to my food budget this week and I used to make poor eating choices, but I made good ones most of this week. I ate a ton of vegan food with my carnivorous boo-> Quesadilla with Z, Dragonlady with Z, Loving Hut with Z. Lunch with Eliza @ Gaudi. Infectious: Ag47’s Annual Showcase @ Hairpin Arts Center. I sold at DO IT YOUR OWN DAMN SELF at Blue Buddha Boutique and got rid of craft supplies that had not even seen the light of day for years! Saw friend Jason CINCHEL play Laurie’s Planet of Sound on Record Store Day. A thwarted attempt to attend our friend Rachel’s bday party @ Emporium Arcade that turned into dinner with Z, Kirstie & Jason @ TAKITO. Errand running. Lunch @ Franks ‘n Dawgs, but I thought their tofu dog was gross. Briefly got to see Rani and Mark. This coming week, I am gearing up for Crafty Super Market in Cincinnati, which is on Saturday! Hoping to make at least one new things before I hit the road! Also, somehow I missed this awesome post.

La De Blog - Baked Cheater Churros

Tweekly make: I made these baked cheater churros and the vegan migas again for tomorrow. We are having a vegetarian potluck for Earth Day, so I wanted to bring my A-Game! The churros were pretty convincing even baked.

Films watched 16th week of the year:

El Ultimo Elvis ** [ Argentina ]
Dark Shadows
Puppet *

* documentary
** foreign language

Puppet is fascinating! It’s on Netflix Streaming and well worth the watch. If I were in New York, I totally would have gone to see the puppet theatre piece Disfamer, which a large part of this documentary is about.

1 thought on “2013 Week 16: Spin has taken the place of “eat shitty food and wallow”

  1. “I know there are a lot of people who use exercise as stress relief, but that was never me until I found spin.”

    I totally hear you on that one. Not until I started doing yoga so feverishly did it actually become a stress relief and now I get it. I’m happy for you that you’ve found something you really enjoy!

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