2012 Week 13: Beware the bun buns

These bunnies were spotted wreaking havoc in the neighborhood. Police are advising keeping carrots on your person at all time to distract them from attacking.

Lots of awesome friend’s birthdays this week. I failed at being able to sing Billy Bragg’s ‘A New England’ at my friend Megan’s birthday, but I succeeded later in the week. I applied for my first craft fair of 2012 this year; for Urban Folk Circuit @ Schubas in May. Cross your fingers! I’m fighting against a cold I’m pretty sure that was tipped off by biking to work on a freezing day dressed inappropriately. Lately I’ve been researching natural remedies rather than reaching for a medicine first. So, for my sore throat I’ve been gargling and then drinking water with 1/8 tsp of cayenne pepper. It actually chases away some of the soreness. As a result, haven’t gotten to work out very much for the past few days.

Tomorrow is Zachary and my 6 year anniversary! Next weekend we’re heading back to DC for the Arlington, VA Chickfactor show to celebrate. It’s great to be in love with your best friend.

Films watched 13th week of the year:

Gates of Heaven*
In Time
All That Heaven Allows
My Week with Marilyn


This week, I watched a great deal of Shark Tank and not a lot of films. Gates of Heaven was my favorite of the week. It is a charming documentary and I connected with many of the people interviewed about the deep connection they felt to their pets. I was actually surprised to know that pet cemeteries have been around that long. In Time was a great premise, but it fell short. I felt like part of the film was yanked from one of my recent faves Timer.

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