2013 Week 43: Meet my Halloween costume this year; David Bowie, Lady Hedgehog

La De Blog - Halloween Costume David Bowie, Lady Hedgehog
Me, as David Bowie, Lady Hedgehog

La De Blog - Halloween Costumes David Bowie, Lady Hedgehog & Sad Etsy Boyfriend
Me, as David Bowie, Lady Hedgehog with Z as a Sad Etsy Boyfriend

If your significant other happens to be male and you happen to be an Etsy seller, then Sad Etsy Boyfriend is the perfect costume for you! Other memes I considered this year for my costume were Sports Balls Replaced with Cats and A Talking Cat!?! – you have a few days. Feel free to use them! Afterthought, I hope JV does not see my costume on Facebook because I am going to dress up and HOPE that somehow tomorrow is the day he dresses up as David Bowie also!

This week: First week of married life! The Best 2-day Mini moon @ Greenhouse Bed and Breakfast. Dragonlady! Saturday Spin (Mandee subbing) @ WPAC. Dimo’s! Boo-palooza Dog Parade @ Wicker Park. Hangs @ Amanda & Derek’s. Hallowmeme Party @ Cinnamon’s. Party @ Steve N.’s. Another party @ Jen’s friends’ house. Clothing swap @ Carmen’s. Pumpkin carving @ Kaitlyn’s. Bob Young Fan Club @ Patchwork Farms.

Basically, I need to take it easy.

Films watched 43rd week of the year:

Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey *
Before the Rain [ Macedonia ] **

* documentary
** foreign language

Great movie week. Smashed was really hard for me to watch, considering what I know of the history of my bloodline. Really good film. No new territory was covered, but I think the film seems to be a pretty raw and accurate depiction of trying to beat alcoholism. It was weird seeing Jesse Pinkman play a character not Jesse Pinkman, but Aaron Paul was terrific in this role. Don’t Stop Believin’ was a truly great story that I hadn’t even heard about, but it could have been condensed into an hour long documentary because it drags. Before the Rain was crushing. Loved everything about it except for the timeline order which did not make sense to me. The story in reverse order did not seem as impactful as it would have been just leaving it chronological order.

This week I also finished Season 3 of The Walking Dead and started The Following. Y’know, so I can be terrified watching them by myself! Z doesn’t like The Walking Dead – he calls it Lost with zombies! Must be why I like it so much!